- 農薬、動物用医薬品、一般化学品等の登録及び薬事に関するコンサルタント業務
- 上記の製品及び原料の登録及び薬事業務の受託
- 上記の製品及び原料の毒性試験、環境毒性試験、環境中動態試験及び分析などの仲介業務
- 科学論文及び上記事業関連記事・資料の翻訳業務
- 前各号に付帯する一切の業務
- Consultation for the registration/approval of agrochemicals, veterinary medicines and general chemicals
- Business agency for the registration/approval of agrochemicals, veterinary medicines and general chemicals
- Brokerage services for toxicological studies, environmental toxicological studies, and chemical analyses in relation to the products described above
- Translation of science reports, articles and documents in relation to the business described above
- All business related to the field described